Ballantyne-Runge syndrome
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Gestation exceeding the date of delivery by 3 weeks in a nondiabetic mother, with arrest of increase in weight of fetus. The newborn displays a characteristic picture of low weight and alertness, absence of vernix; dry, colloidike, and desquamating skin - old man’s face - umbilical cord, nails, and occasionally all skin stained yellow or greenish. Frequently respiratory distress. Aetiology unknown; attributed to placental insufficiency.
- H. Runge:
Über einige besondere Merkmale der übertragenen Frucht.
Zentralblatt für Gynäkologie, Leipzig, 1942, 66: 1202-1206. - J. W. Ballantyne:
The problem of the postmature infant.
The Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology of the British Empire, London, 1902, 2: 512-554. - S. H. Clifford:
Postmaturity. Advances in Pediatrics, Chicago, 1957; volume 9.