- A dictionary of medical eponyms

Minkowski-Chauffard disease

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Congenital haemolytical anaemia presenting with spherocytosis, splenomegaly and varying degrees of anaemia and ikterus. Caused by abnormal haemolysis of red blood cells. Associated disorders usually include icterus, gallstones of the pigment type, secondary hyperplasia of the bone marrow and extension of the red marrow into the midshaft of the long bones, presence of urobilinogen in the stools, and occasional extramedullary erythropoiesis with tumourlike paravertebral masses. There may be also a wide variety of complications, such as those involving the skeleton, eyes, and teeth. Roentgenographic findings may show striation and thickening of the frontal and parietal bones and occasional oxycephaly.

Occurs at all ages but is usually first noticed in childhood or early adolescence; both sexes equally affected. Persons of northern European origin are affected most frequently, but not exclusively. Autosomal dominant inheritance.


  • O. Minkowski:
    Über eine hereditäre, unter dem Bilde eines chronischen Icterus mit Urobilinurie, Splenomegalie und Nierensiderosis verlaufende Affection.
    Verhandlungen des Kongresses für innere Medizin, 1900, 18: 316-321.
  • M. A. Chauffard:
    Pathogénie de l’ictère congénital de l’adulte. La semaine médicale, Paris, 1907, 27: 25-29. Les ictères hémolytiques.
    La semaine médicale, Paris, 1908, 28: 45 and 49. Pathogénie de l’ictere hémolytique congénital. Annales de médecine interne, Paris, 1914: 1-17.
  • M. Gänsslen:
    Über hämolytischen Ikterus. Nach 25 eigenen Beobachtungen und 10 Milzexstirpationen.
    Deutsches Archiv für klinische Medizin, Leipzig, 1922, 140: 210-226.

What is an eponym?

An eponym is a word derived from the name of a person, whether real or fictional. A medical eponym is thus any word related to medicine, whose name is derived from a person.

What is Whonamedit?

Whonamedit.com is a biographical dictionary of medical eponyms. It is our ambition to present a complete survey of all medical phenomena named for a person, with a biography of that person.


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This survey of medical eponyms and the persons behind them is meant as a general interest site only. No information found here must under any circumstances be used for medical purposes, diagnostically, therapeutically or otherwise. If you, or anybody close to you, is affected, or believe to be affected, by any condition mentioned here: see a doctor.