- A dictionary of medical eponyms

Fulgence Raymond

Born  1844
Died  1910

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French neurologist, born September 29, 1844, St.-Cristophe, Indre-et-Loire; died September 28, 1910, Planche-d’Andille, Poiton.

Biography of Fulgence Raymond

Fulgence Raymond first studied veterinary medicine at the École d'Alfort, where as a graduated veterinarian, from 1867 held an important position as chef des travaux d’anatomie at de physiologie at this school. For a period he was veterinary surgeon to the French army before he went to Paris to commence a new study - that of human medicine, mostly as a student of Edmé Félix Alfred Vulpian (1826-1887).

In Paris Raymond became externe in 1870, 1871 a interne, and doctor of medicine in 1876. 1877 chef de clinique under Germain Sée (1818-1896), 1878 médecin des hôpitaux. He was habilitated in 1880, becoming professeur agrégé that year, and in 1894 was appointed Jean Martin Charcot's (1825-1893) successor to the chair of neurology at the Salpêtrière, a position in which he contributed greatly to the fame of this renowned institution.

His colleagues numbered Joseph Babinsky (1857-1932), Georges Marinesco and Pierre Marie (1853-1940), who succeeded him. Jean Athanase Sicard (1872-1929) was one of his more outstanding pupils. Although his teaching was less dramatic than that of Charcot, he gave excellent lectures.

Raymond concerned himself with a variety of neurological themes. He investigated hemianaesthesia, the semihemipheric loss of sensitivity caused by lesions of the cerebral cortex, disturbances of the central sensitive nervous pathways, and damages to the medulla oblongata. He contributed to disorders of the cauda equina and spinal column and collaborated with Pierre Janet (1859-1947) on neuroses and psychosomatic states.

A monument was erected to his memory at St. Christophe.


  • Conférences de clinique méd. de l'Hôtel-Dieu.
  • Clinique méd. de la Charité (Vulpian).
  • Tabes.
  • Danse de St. Guy.
  • Embolie.
  • Tétanie.
  • Paralysie dans l'urémie.
  • De la folie urémique.
  • Des myelites tuberculeuses.
  • Des hémorrhagies dans la fièvre typhoide.
  • Étude expérimentale sur la tuberculose.
  • Des lésions de l'insula de Reil.
  • De l'hémichorée symptomatique.
  • Etude anatomique sur l’hémianesthésie, l’hémichorée et les tremblements symptomatiques.
    Paris, 1876.
  • Des dyspepsies. Paris, 1878.
  • De la puerpéralite. Paris,
  • Anatomie pathologique du systéme nerveux. 1886.
  • Étude des maladies du système nerveux en Russie.
    Report to the ministry. 1888.
  • Maladies du système nerveux: Atrophies musculaires etc.
  • Leçons sur les maladies du système nerveux.
    6 volumes, Paris, 1896-1903.
  • Névroses et idées fixes.
    With Pierre Marie Félix Janet (1859-1947). Paris, 1898.
  • Les obsessions et la psychasthénie.
    With Pierre Janet. 2 volumes, Paris, F. Alcan, 1903.
  • Etudes de pathologie nerveuse. 1910.

What is an eponym?

An eponym is a word derived from the name of a person, whether real or fictional. A medical eponym is thus any word related to medicine, whose name is derived from a person.

What is Whonamedit?

Whonamedit.com is a biographical dictionary of medical eponyms. It is our ambition to present a complete survey of all medical phenomena named for a person, with a biography of that person.


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This survey of medical eponyms and the persons behind them is meant as a general interest site only. No information found here must under any circumstances be used for medical purposes, diagnostically, therapeutically or otherwise. If you, or anybody close to you, is affected, or believe to be affected, by any condition mentioned here: see a doctor.