Enrico Sertoli
Born | 1842 |
Died | 1910 |
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Biography of Enrico Sertoli
Enrico Sertoli Sertoli was born in Sondrio, Valtellina, the upper valley of the Adda River from its sources in the Ortles mountains westward to its entry into Lake Como. He studied medicine at the University of Pavia, where one of his teachers was the physiologist Eusebio Oehl (1827-1903), who systematically developed studies in microscopic anatomy and histology. Among his fellow students were Giulio Bizzozero (1846-1901) and Camillo Golgi (1843-1926).
He graduated in 1865 and then studied physiology under Ernst Wilhelm von Brücke (1819-1892) in Vienna. The next year he returned to Italy to take part in the campaign against Austria. After the war, he went to Tübingen in 1867 to work in Ernst Felix Immanuel Hoppe-Seyler’s (1825-1895) laboratory there.
From 1870 to 1907 Sertoli was professor of anatomy and physiology, and after 1907 of physiology only, at the Advanced Royal School of Veterinary Medicine in Milan, which, at that time, enjoyed university status. There he founded the Laboratory of Experimental physiology.
- Dell’esistenza di particolari cellule ramificate nei canalicoli seminiferi del testicolo umano. Morgagni, 1865; 7: 31-40. Sertoli cells.
- Ueber die Bindung der Kohlensäure im Blute und ihre Ausscheidung in der Lunde.
Medizinisch-chemische Untersuchungen aus dem Laboratorium für angewandte Chemie zu Tübingen, Berlin, 1867, 2: 350-365.
Centralblatt für die medicinischen Wissenschaften, Berlin, 1868, 6: 145-147. - Osservazioni sulla struttura dei canalicoli seiminiferi del testicolo.
Gazzetta medica lombarda, Milano, 1871, 4 d. s. 6: 413-415. - Sulla struttura dei canalicoli seiminiferi del testicolo studiata in rapporto allo sviluppo dei nemaspermi.
Gazzetta medica lombarda, Milano, 1875, 2 d.s. : 401-403. - Di uno pseudo-ermafrodismo in una capra. Written with G. Generali.
Archivio di medicina veterinaria, Milano, 1876, 1: 22-33. - Sulla struttura dei canalicoli seiminiferi dei testicoli studiata in rapporto allo sviluppo dei nemaspermi.
Archivio per le scienze mediche, Torino, 1878, 2: 107-146, 267-295, and plates 3-4. - Contribuzioni alla fisiologia generale dei muscoli lisci.
Rendiconti dell’Istituto lombardo di scienze e lettere, 1882, 15: 567-582. - Contribution à la physiologie générale des muscles lisses.
Archives italiennes de biologie, Pisa, 1884, 3: 78-94. - Della cariocinesi nella spermatogenesi.
Rendiconti dell’Istituto lombardo di scienze e lettere, 1885, 18: 833-839. - Sur la caryokinèse dans la spermatogénèse.
Archives italiennes de biologie, 1886, 7: 369-375. - L. Belloni:
Enrico Sertoli in la medicina a Milano dal settecento al 1915.
Storia di Milano. Fondazione Treccani degli alfieri, 1862, 16: 1028. - Pugliese:
Henri Sertoli. Archives italiennes de biologie.
1910, 53: 161-164. With a list of Sertoli’s publications. - Isidor Fischer, publisher:
Biographisches Lexikon der hervorragenden Ärzte der letzten fünfzig Jahre.
Berlin – Wien, Urban & Schwarzenberg, 1932. Page 1444. - F. Usuelli:
Enrico sertoli (1842-1910).
Annuario veterinario italiano (1934-1935): 455-461. - Bruno Zanobio:
Sertoli, Enrico. In: Charles Coulston Gillispie, editor in chief: Dictionary of Scientific Biographies. American council of learned societies. Charles Scribner’s Sons. New York, 1970. Pages 319-320.