Sir Herman David Weber
Born | 1823 |
Died | 1918 |
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Biography of Sir Herman David Weber
Herman David Weber Weber was the son of a German father and Italian mother. He entered medical school in Marburg and graduated doctor of medicine in Bonn in 1848. In Marburg he met several the Waterloo veterans, among them Sir James Simpson (1811-1870), the Scottish physician who introduced chloroform as a pain reliever in 1847.
Weber obtained a position at the German Hospital in Dalston, England, and married an Englishwoman in 1854. He went to Guy’s Hospital in London and became a member of the Royal College of Physicians in 1855, fellow in 1859. 1879-1881 he was a censor and repeatedly member of the College’s committee. He retired as a hospital physician in 1890, but remained consulting physician to the German Hospital, the Royal Hospital for Consumption in Ventor, Mount Vernon Consumption Hospital (Hampstead and Northwood) and the King Edward VII Sanatory. He was also consulting physician and German embassy physician in London.
Weber was a great advocate of healthy exercise and advises his patients to take their vacation in the Alps, as he did.
His son was Frederick Parkes Weber (1863-1962) who became an even more famous physician, and lived to the age of 99.
- Cases of Cerebral Affection caused by Disease in the Region of the Nose and Eyes.
Medico-Chirurgical Transactions, London, 1860, 43: 177. - A Contribution to the Pathology of the Pons Varolii.
Medico-Chirurgical Transactions, London, 1861, 44: 151. - On the treatment of Phthisis by residence in elevated regions.
Medico-Chirurgical Transactions, London, LII. - Ueber die Lähmungen nach Diphteria.
Virchows Archiv für pathologische Anatomie und Physiologie und für klinische Medizin, Berlin, 1862, 25: 114-141; also 1863, 28: 489-527. - A Contribution to the Pathology of the Crura Cerebri.
Medico-Chirurgical Transactions, London, 1863, 46: 121-140. - Notes on the Climate of the Swiss Alps and on some of their Health Resorts and Spas.
Dublin Quarterly Journal of Medical Science, 1864, 37: 15-42, 333-364. - On the Curative Affects of Baths and Waters.
ondon, 1875. An English translation of: Julius Braun (1821-1878): Systematisches Lehrbuch der Balneotherapie. 3rd. edition, 1871. - Klimatotherapie.
In von Ziemssen: Handbuch der allgemeinen Therapie, Leipzig, 1880, volume 2, part 1, pp. 101-212; English translation, London, 1885; French, Paris, 1886, 1891. - Croonian Lectures on the Hygienic and Climatic Treatment of chronic pulmonary Phthisis.
London, 1885; translated into French, German, Russian, and Swedish. - The Spas and Mineralwaters of Europe.
With F. Parkes Weber; London, 1896.
2nd edition entitled The Mineral Waters and Health Resorts of Europe. London, 1898.
Translated into French, Paris, 1899.
3rd edition, entitled Climotherapy and Balneotherapy, London, 1907.
Translated into German, Berlin, 1907. French, Paris, 1910. Russian, St. Petersburg, 1908;
Polish, Warsaw, 1909. - Zur Verhütung der Senilitas praecox.
Zeitschrift für diätetische und physikalische Therapie, 1898, 1: 11. - Klima und Seereisen in der Behandlung der Tuberkulose.
Bericht über den Kongress zur Bekämpfung der Tuberkulose als Volkskrankheit. Berlin, 1899. - Zur therapeutischen Verwertung der Seereisen. der eller von?
Zeitschrift für diätetische und physikalische Therapie, 1900, 3: 18, 363. - On the Prevention of Tuberculosis.
Tuberculosis, London, 1889/1901, pp. 9, 50, 101. - Seebäder und Seereisen.
In the part on Thalassotherapy in Handbuch der physikalishen Therapie by A. Goldscheider and P. Jacob. Leipzig, 1901, volume 1, part 1, pp. 363-405. - Methode und Individuum in der Behandlung der Tuberkulose.
Zeitschrift für Tuberkulose und Heilstättenwesen, 1901, 2: 286. - Sanatorien auf Inseln und am Meeresufer.
Zeitschrift für diätetische und physikalische Therapie, 1901/1902, 5: 5-12. - On means for the Prolongation of Life.
London, 1903, 1906, 1908, 1914, 1919.
German translation in Deutsche medicinische Wochenschrift, Berlin, 1904 Nos. 18-21. - Old age. With F. Parkes Weber. Article.
- Hydrotherapy and Balneotherapy.
With F. Parkes Weber. Article. - Climate in the Treatment of Disease. With M. G. Foster.
In Albutt and Rolleston: System of Medicine, 2nd edition, 1905: 181-211, 242-281, 289-342. - On the Influence of Muscular Exercise in Longevity.
British Medical Journal, London, 1918, 1: 228, 358.