- A dictionary of medical eponyms

Tillaux' fracture

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Salter-Harris III fractures of the tibia. A Tillaux fracture is a fracture of the anteriolateral tibial epiphysis that is commonly seen in adolescents. It is the result of a forced lateral rotation of the foot or medial rotation of the leg on a fixed foot. This mechanism results in an avulsion injury from the strong anterior tibiofibular ligament, which attaches to the lateral epiphysis.

Tillaux first described this particular fracture in 1892. He performed experiments on cadavers and found that stress to the anterior inferior tibiofibular ligament could lead to this type of avulsion fracture, which today is termed the Tillaux fracture.

A similar injury to the posterolateral tibia was later described by Henri Chaput (1857-1919) and has been called the fracture of Tillaux-Chaput.

We thank Joseph Constantin, France, for information submitted.


  • L. S. Dias, C. R. Giegerich:
    Fractures of the distal tibial epiphysis in adolescence. The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery, American volume, Boston, April 1983, 65 (4): 438-444. S. I. Koury, C. K. Stone, G. Harrell, D. D. La Charite
    Recognition and management of Tillaux fractures in adolescents.
    Pediatric Emergency Care, Hagerstown, February 1999, 15 (1): 37-39.
  • D. Resnick:
    Diagnosis of Bone and Joint Disorders.
    Volume 3. 4th edition. WB Saunders Co: Philadelphia, 2002.

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