Mirizzi's syndrome
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Symptoms and signs are those of hepatocholangitis. Constriction and stenosis of ductus hepaticus communis (hepatocholedocus) as a rare complication of long-standing cholelithiasis. Mirizzi has emphasised that obstructive symptoms of the hepatic duct may occur as a result of spasm, inflammatory process, or other local organic lesion. The resulting bile retention is sometimes mistakenly attributed to involvement of the common duct or of the sphincter of Oddi.
Mirizzi was the first to describe an obstructive jaundice caused by compression of the common hepatic duct by the stone in the cystic duct or the neck of the gallbladder
- P. L. Mirizzi:
Sindrome del conducto hepatico.
Journal international de chirurgie, Bruxelles, 1948, 8: 731-777. - P. L. Mirizzi, C. Quiroga Losada:
Estenosis del hépatocele-doco. Hépato-coledocotomia. Resultado lejano.
Boletines y trabajos. Sociedad de cirugia de Buenos Aires, 1921, 12: 522.