Magendie's foramen
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The median irregular foramen in the membranous roof of the 4th ventricle of the brain. The fourth ventricle is one in a system of four communicating cavities called ventricles within the brain that are continuous with the central canal of the spinal cord. The four ventricles consist of the two lateral ventricles, the third ventricle and the fourth ventricle. Magendie's foramen is in front of the cerebellum and behind the pons varolii, connecting the ventricle with the subarachnoidal space medially, draining fourth ventricle posteroinferiorly into cerebellomedullary cistern
The foramen of Luschka is the lateral aperture, a paired foramina draining fourth ventricle laterally into the subarachnoidal space.
- F. Magendie:
Recherches physiologiques et cliniques sur le liquide céphalo-rachidien ou cérébro-spinal.
1 volume and atlas. Paris, Méquignon-Marvis, 1842.