Eduard Glanzmann
Born | 1887-04-12 |
Died | 1959-02-02 |
Related eponyms
- Clarke-Hadfield syndrome
- Glanzmann's thrombastenia
- Glanzmann-Riniker syndrome
- Glanzmann-Saland syndrome
- Guillain-Barré-Strohl syndrome
Biography of Eduard Glanzmann
Eduard Glanzmann graduated from the Lyceum Lucernense on October 20, 1909, and studied medicine in Zürich, Berlin, and Berne. He graduated in 1912 and obtained his medical doctorate in Berne 1914.
He undertook postgraduate studies at the paediatric clinic in the Berlin Charité Berlin under Adalbert Czerny (1863–1941). He settled in Berne as a specialist in children's disorder, becoming Privatdozent in 1929 and ausserordentlicher Professor in 1932. In 1939 he succeeded his former teacher, professor Max Stoos (1855–1939), in the chair of paediatrics at the University of Berne. In 1952 his health began to fail, and in 1957 he was succeeded by Ettore Rossi (1905–1998).
Glanzmann was dean of the University of erne 1943-1945. He was made Doctor honoris cause of the Univesity of Istanbul..
- "Untold patients and thankful mothers will mourn him. Enemies he had none. Swiss medical science become poorer by the loss of this worthy, kind man."
From his obituary.
- Einführung in die Kinderheilkunde in 115 Vorlesungen. Wien, 1939.
- Obituary: Archives françaises de pédiatrie, 1959, 16(2): 288.
- Staatsarchiv Bern (Hochschulakten (BB III b).
- Biographische Sammlung der Schweizerischen Landesbibliothek Bern (Presseartikel).
- Kürschners Deutscher Gelehrtenkalender, 13th edition, Berlin/New York 1980.
- Schweizerisches Zeitgenossen-Lexikon, 1. and 2. edition, Bern 1921 and 1932,
- Dozenten der Universität Bern 1528-1984.
Ergänzungsband zu: Hochschulgeschichte Berns, 1528-1984 : zur 150-Jahr-Feier der Universität Bern 1984 / [hrsg. im Auftrag des Regierungsrates des Kt. Bern von der Kommission für bernische Hochschulgeschichte] Bern : Universität, 1984.