Edmund Leser
Born | 1853 |
Died | 1916 |
Related eponyms
German surgeon, born May 1, 1853, Münster, Westfalen; died December 11, 1916, Frankfurt am Main.
Biography of Edmund Leser
Edmund Leser first studied law in Bonn, then participated in the Franco-Prussian war, after which he continued service as an artillery officer. He commenced the study of medicine in 1876 in Leipzig, where he obtained his doctorate in 1880, before he became assistant to Volkmann in Halle. He was habilitated for surgery in 1884, becoming titular professor in 1894. Leser practised in Halle, and later in Frankfurt, where he died in 1916.
- Über ischaemische Muskellähmung und Contracturen. Habilitation thesis, 1884.
- Die specielle Chirurgie in 60 Vorlesungen : ein kurzgefasstes Lehrbuch für Ärzte und Studirende.
6., vermehrte und verbesserte Auflage. Jena : Fischer, 1904. - Lehrbuch der Chirurgie in Vorlesungen.
1. T. Jena, 1906 (1890?). 2nd. edition 1908 translated into Spanish. 9th edition, 1909, translated into Russian.