- A dictionary of medical eponyms

Emile Charles Achard

Born  1860-07-24
Died  1944

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French internist, born July 24, 1860, Paris; died 1944.

Biography of Emile Charles Achard

Emile Charles Achard studied in Paris and was conferred doctor of medicine in Paris in 1887. In 1893 he became Médecin des Hôpitaux, in 1895 agrégé. He was appointed professor of general pathology and therapeutics and from 1910 worked as professor of internal medicine at the University of Paris, Hôpital Beaujon. He was also attached to the Cochin hospital.

Achard in 1896, with Raoul Bensaude (1866-1938), described paratyphoid fever and isolated the bacillus paratyfus, now classified as Salmonella paratyphi B. He coined the term paratyphoid fever and introduced one of the first tests of renal function, based on time of appearance of dyes in urine after injection.

Among his many literary topics were encephalitis lethargica and edema in Bright’s disease.

With Georges Maurice Debove (1845-1920) and Joseph Castaigne he wrote Manuel des maladies du tube digestif (Paris, 1907).


Written with Georges Maurice Debove:
  • Manuel de médecine. Paris, 1892-1897.
  • Manuel de diagnostic médicale. Paris, 1899-1900.
  • Manuel de thérapeutique médicale. Paris, 1900-1902.
  • Nouveaux procédés d’exploration.
    Paris, 1902. 2nd edition, 1903. Translated into Russian.
  • Le rôle du sel en pathologie et en thérapeutique.
    Paris, 1904. Other works:
  • Arachnodactylie.
    Bulletins et mémoires de la Société medicale des hôpitaux de Paris, 1902, 19: 834-840.
  • Précis d’anatomie pathologique.
    Written with Maurice Loeper (1875-1961). Paris, 1908.
  • Thérapeutique urinaire. Paris, 1910.
    Written with Henri Marion and Georges Paisseau (1876-).
  • Le rôle de l’urée en pathologie. Paris, 1912.
  • Le premier livre de médecine; élements de pathologie générale à l’usage des candidats au premier examen de médecine.
    2nd edition; Paris, Baillière, 1920. 351 pages.
  • L’encéphalite léthargique. Paris, 1921.
  • Clinique médicale de l’hôpital Beaujoun.
    Paris, 1923, 1925, 1925.
  • Troubles de échanges nutritifs. Paris, 1926.
  • Maladies typhoides. Paris, 1929.
  • Oedème brightique. Paris, 1929.
  • La confession d’un viel homme du siècle; souvenirs du temps et de l’espace. Paris, Mercure France, 1943.
  • Le professeur Léon Thoinot; 13 octobre 1858-30 avril 1915.
    Written with Ernest Mosny (1861-1918) et al. Toulouse, Private (1915?). 430 p.
  • V. H. Hutinel E. C. Achard, et al:
    Discours prononcés le décembre 1928 l’occasion de la remise de la médaille du professeur Ed. Jeanselme.
    Paris, 1929. [Antoine Edouard Jeanselme, 1858-1935]
  • E. Faral, E. C. Achard, et al:
    Jubilé scientifique de M. Justin Jolly. Paris, 1942.
  • Achard and Castaigne:
    Diagnostic de la perméabilité rénale.
    Bulletins et mémoires de la Société medicale des hôpitaux de Paris, 1897, 14: 637-651.
  • Achard and Castaigne:
    L'examen clinique des fonctions rénales par l'élimination provoquée. Paris 1900.

What is an eponym?

An eponym is a word derived from the name of a person, whether real or fictional. A medical eponym is thus any word related to medicine, whose name is derived from a person.

What is Whonamedit?

Whonamedit.com is a biographical dictionary of medical eponyms. It is our ambition to present a complete survey of all medical phenomena named for a person, with a biography of that person.


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