Gianotti-Crosti disease
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A non-itching erythematous papular eruption on the face and limbs associated with enlarged lymph nodes and an enlarged liver. The eruption can become purpuric. It appears suddenly in neonatal period or early infancy (highest frequency between 2 and 6 years of age), and disappears without treatment within 30 to 70 days. May progress to chronic liver disease. Onset seldom in adults. Both sexes affected. There is an association with hepatitis B surface antigen. No seasonal predilection. It is most common in Mediterranean countries.
- F. Gianotti:
Rilievi di una particolare casistica tossinfettiva caratterizzata de eruzione eritemato-infiltrativa desquamativa a focolai lenticolari, a sede elettiva acroesposta.
Giornale italiano di dermatologia e sifilologia, Milano, 1955, 96: 678-697.
[Report on a special case of toxic infection characterized by a desquamative erythemato-infiltrative eruption with lenticular foci and a selective localization at the extremities] - A. Crosti, F. Giannotti:
Dermatose éruptive acrosituée d’origine probablement virosique.
Dermatologica, Basel, 1957, 115: 671-677.
[Eruptive dermatosis of probable viral origin situated on the acra]