Elliot's operation
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A trephine operation with an iridectomy. Trephining of the eyeball at the corneoscleral margin for the relief of increased tension in glaucoma. Elliot's sclerocorneal trephining combined with a peripheral iridectomy – both done under a conjunctival flap – was revolutionary. His operation and modifications of that operation became standard approaches to open-angle glaucoma. There are still some in this world who employ this technique.
- P. F. Lagrange:
Nouveau traitement du glaucome chronique; iridectomie et sclérotomie combinée.
Gazette hebdomadaire des sciences médicales de Bordeaux, 1907, 28: 2-4. - S. Holth:
Iridencleisis antiglaucomatosa.
Annales d’oculistique, Paris , 1907, 137, 345-375.
Introduction of iridencleisis for glaucoma. - R. H. Elliot:
A preliminary note on a new operative procedure for the establishment of a filtering cicatrix in the treatment of glaucoma.
The Ophthalmoscope, 1909, 7: 804-806.