Illig's syndrome
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A form of isolated growth-hormone deficiency affecting both sexes. Birth weight and gestational age usually normal. Usually, normal growth during first year, then a marked decline in growth rate. Occasionally, later onset (up to 10 years) of slowed growth. Normal or delayed pubertal development; height more retarded than weight.
Caused by isolated deficiency of secretion of growth hormone. Usually sporadic cases. Familial cases with autosomal dominant inheritance reported.
- R. Illig:
Growth hormone antibodies in patients treated with different preparations of human growth hormone (HGH).
Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, Baltimore, 1970, 31 (6): 679-688. - R. Illig, Andrea Prader (1919-2001):
Personal Communication. Zurich, Switzerland 1972. - Sergio I. Magalini, Sabina C. Magalini, Giovanni de Francisi.
Illig's. In: Dictionary of Medical Syndromes. J. B. Lippincott Company, Philadelphia, 1990.