Credé's manoeuvre
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Manipulation for early expelling of the placenta, performed when placenta is not expelled spontaneously or under pressure. Placenta is expelled by downward pressure on the uterus through the abdominal wall with the thumb on the posterior surface of the fundus uteri and the flat of the hand on the anterior surface, the pressure being applied in the direction of the birth canal. If done properly, this may cause inversion of the uterus.
The Scottish obstetrician John Harvie, who succeeded William Smellie (1697-1763), advocated external expression of the placenta instead of traction of the cord, anticipating Credé's method by almost a century.
- John Harvie:
Practical directions, shewing a method of preserving the perinaeum in birth, and delivering the placenta without violence.
London, D. Wilson & G. Nicol, 1767. - C S. F. Credé:
Handgriff zur Entfernung der Placenta.
Klinische Vorträge über Geburtshilfe.
Berlin, 1854, pp 927 and 599-603. - Methode der Entfernung des Fruchtkuchens bei natürlicher Geburt.
Monatsschrift für Geburtskunde und Frauenkrankheiten, Berlin, 1860, 16: 337-342. - De optima in partu naturali placentam amovendi ratione.
Lipsiae, A. Edelmannum, 1860.