Brocq's phagadena geometricum
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Chronic skin ulcers due to mixed bacterial infection. Both sexes equally affected; onset generally in adult life, seldom in childhood. It occurs frequently in association with ulcerative colitis, rheumatoid arthritis, chronic infections, and malnutrition.
Extremely variable manifestations due to the pyoderma gangrenosum and associated condition. On the lower limbs or trunk, usually at the site of insect bite, needle puncture or trauma, appearance of single or multiple tender noduless, which evolve in pustules and then, breaking down, form ulcers slowly enlarging to 10 cm or more. Ulcers assume various shapes (round; oval; serpiginous) and present a bluish reddish edge, central and necrotic base.
- L. A. J. Brocq:
Nouvelle contribution à l’étude du phagédénisme gémoetrique.
Annales de dermatologie et de syphilographie, 5° sr, Paris, 1916; 6: 1-39.