Eponyms beginning with F
- Fanconi’s syndrome, adult form.
- Farber's disease
- Farber's test
- Farber-Uzman syndrome
- Farber’s lipogranulomatosis
- Fascia of Zuckerkandl
- Favre-Durand-Nicolas disease
- Favre-Racouchot syndrome
- Favre’s disease
- Favre’s disease
- Favre’s hyaloideoretinal degeneration
- Fazio-Londe atrophy or syndrome
- Fazio-Londe paralysis (juvenile form)
- Fede's disease
- Fehr's dystrophy
- Fehr's syndrome
- Feil-Klippel syndrome
- Feinberg’s syndrome
- Felix’ reaction
- Felty's syndrome
- Female pseudo Turner syndrome
- Ferguson Smith's syndrome
- Ferguson Smith’s epithelioma
- Fermi's vaccine
- Ferronière