Richard Lenzmann
Born | 1856 |
Died | 1927 |
Related eponyms
German surgeon, born March 14, 1856, Mengede, Westfalen; died March 29, 1927, Duisburg.
Biography of Richard Lenzmann
Richard Lenzmann received his doctorate in 1882. He worked in the clinic of Carl David Wilhelm Busch (1826-1881) and Franz Obernier (1839-1882) in Bonn. In 1886 he became head physician at the Diakonenkrankenhaus in Duisburg where he worked for 40 years. In 1907 he became Sanitätsrat and in 1914 titular professor. Following the end of World War I in 1918 he was medical officer to the district of Lüttich. In April 1939 the Lessingstraße in Duisburg was renamed Lenzmannstraße in his honour.
- Ueber den Einfluss der Anwendung transportabler pneumatischer Apparate auf die Circulation des gesunden Menschen. ¨
Thesis/dissertation manuscript. 1881. - Die entzündlichen Erkrankungen des Darms in der Regio ileo-coecalis und ihre Folgen: eine Studie aus der Praxis für die Praxis. Berlin, Hirschwald, 1901.
- Die Tuberkulose, der grimmigste Feind unseres Volkes.Duisburg, 1902.
- Die Anwendung des Salvarsan. (Dioxydiamidoarsenobenzol) in der ärztlichen Praxis.
Jena, 1911. - Die Pathologie und Therapie der plötzlich das Leben gefährdenden Krankheitszustände.
Jena, Gustav Fischer, 1907; 522 pages. 3rd, expanded and revised edition 1913. 5th edition, 1923; Translated into English, Italian, Russian, and Spanish. - Emergencies in medical practice: the pathology and treatment of morbid conditions that may suddenly endanger life.
Translated by Ronald Edward Stewart Krohn.
London, Bale, 1915. New York, Wood, 1915. - Lenzmann's manual of emergencies, medical, surgical and obstetric; their pathology, diagnosis and treatment (based upon Lenzmann's "Emergencies in Medical Practice").
By Jacob Snowman (1871-1959) and Richard Lenzmann. New York, Wood, 1919.
Second edition: London, J. Bale, Sons & Danielsson, Ltd., 1926. - Die Geschlechtskrankheiten in der Allgemeinpraxis, vierzehn Vorträge für praktische Ärzte. Jena, Gustav Fischer, 1924.