- A dictionary of medical eponyms

Robert Michaelis von Olshausen

Born  1835
Died  1915

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German obstetrician/gynaecologist, born July 3, 1835, Kiel; died February 1, 1915, Berlin.

Biography of Robert Michaelis von Olshausen

Robert Michaelis von Olshausen was the oldest son of Justus Olshausen (1800-82), professor of oriental languages at the University of Kiel, and his wife Maria. He studied in Kiel and Königsberg and received his doctorate in 1857 at Königsberg. He subsequently became assistant at Eduard Arnold Martin's (1809-1875) clinic in Berlin and Anton Friedrich Hohl’s (1789-1862) at Halle an der Saale.

He was habilitated for gynaecology at Halle in 1863, becoming extraordinary professor there in 1863, in 1864 professor ordinarius.

In 1865 he married Georgine Johanna Dorothea Amalie Ratgen (1842-1911).In 1887 he was called to Berlin to succeed Karl Ludwig Ernst Schröder (1838-1887). In Berlin he assumed directorship of the university women’s clinic.

His funeral took place on February 5, 1915, on the old cemetery of the St.-Matthäus-Gemeinde (Schöneberg).


    Olshausen was the publisher of the journal Zeitschrift für Geburtshilfe und Gynäkologie. With Johann Veit, Olshausen published C. Schröder’s Lehrbuch der Geburtshülfe from 1888, 10th to 12th editions, the last in 1899 as Lehrbuch der Geburshülfte by Olshausen and Johann Veit (1852-1917).
  • Krankheiten der Ovarien.
    In Theodor Billroth’s Handbuch der Frauenkrankheiten, Stuttgart, 1877. 2nd edition in Theodor Billroth and Georg Albert Lücke, publishers: Deutsche Chirurgie, Berlin, 1886.
  • Klinische Beiträge zur Gynäkologie und Geburtshülfe.
    In Billroth’s Handbuch der Frauenkrankheiten, Stuttgart, 1884.
  • Die abdominalen Myomoperationen.
  • Ueber Exstirpation der Vagina.
    Zentralblatt für Gynäkologie, Leipzig, 1895, 19: 1-6.
  • Schwangerschaft der Myom. In Johann Veit's Handbuch der Gynäkologie, II, 1897.
  • Lehrbuch der Geburtshilfe. With Johann Veit. 5th edition, Bonn, 1902.
  • Über Darmverletzung und Darmschutz.
    Volkmann’s Sammlung klinischer Vorträge, 44. Papers in Journals:
  • Ueber spondylolisthetische Becken.
  • Ueber Lufteintritt in die Uterusvenen.
  • Ueber Haematocele und Haematometra.
  • Ueber den Kindesschädel in diagnost. Beziehung.
  • Ueber Endometris fungosa.
  • Ueber Myomotomie.
  • Ueber Totalexstirpation des carcinomatösen Uterus.
  • Ueber die Principien der Totalexstirpation des carcinomatösen Uterus.
  • Ueber Metastasen gutartiger Ovarialkystome. Ueber Extrauterinschwangerschaft.
  • Ueber Bauchdeckenfibrome.
  • W. Pritze, A. Ebert:
    Robert von Olshausen. Wegbereiter der operativen Gynäkologie.
    Zentralblatt für Gynäkologie, Leipzig, 1993, 115: 291-296.

What is an eponym?

An eponym is a word derived from the name of a person, whether real or fictional. A medical eponym is thus any word related to medicine, whose name is derived from a person.

What is Whonamedit?

Whonamedit.com is a biographical dictionary of medical eponyms. It is our ambition to present a complete survey of all medical phenomena named for a person, with a biography of that person.


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This survey of medical eponyms and the persons behind them is meant as a general interest site only. No information found here must under any circumstances be used for medical purposes, diagnostically, therapeutically or otherwise. If you, or anybody close to you, is affected, or believe to be affected, by any condition mentioned here: see a doctor.