- A dictionary of medical eponyms

Charles Porak

Born  1845
Died  1921

Related eponyms

French physician, born May 9, 1845, Paris; died May 27, 1921, Paris.

Biography of Charles Porak

Charles Porak studied in Paris, became an interne under Just-Marie-Marcellin Lucas-Championnière (1843-1913), and received his doctorate in 1878. After having been chef de clinique under Jean Anne-Henri Depaul (1811-1883), he became accoucheur des hôpitaux in 1882. He headed these departments at the Hôpital Saint-Louis and the Maternité, which he modernized. He was a member of the Académie de médecine from 1894.


  • Considérations sur l’ictère des nouveau-nés etc.
    Doctoral thesis, 1878.
  • De l’absorption des médicaments par le placenta et de leur élimination par l’urine des nouveau-nés. Paris, 1878.
  • De l’influence réciproqué de la grossesse et des maladies de coeur. Thèse d’agrégation, Paris, 1880.
  • De l’omphalotripsie au lieu de la ligature du cordon après l’accouchement. 1889.
  • Statistique des présentations du siège à propos du pronostic et du traitement de ces présentations. Bull de la Soc obstétr., 1887.
  • B. Porak, G. Durante:
    Les micromélies congénitales. Achondroplasie vraie et dystrophie périosteale.
    Nouvelle iconographie de la Salpêtrière, Paris, 1905, 18: 181-538. Vrolik’s syndrome.

What is an eponym?

An eponym is a word derived from the name of a person, whether real or fictional. A medical eponym is thus any word related to medicine, whose name is derived from a person.

What is Whonamedit?

Whonamedit.com is a biographical dictionary of medical eponyms. It is our ambition to present a complete survey of all medical phenomena named for a person, with a biography of that person.


Whonamedit? does not give medical advice.
This survey of medical eponyms and the persons behind them is meant as a general interest site only. No information found here must under any circumstances be used for medical purposes, diagnostically, therapeutically or otherwise. If you, or anybody close to you, is affected, or believe to be affected, by any condition mentioned here: see a doctor.