Fanconi-Hegglin syndrome
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This eponym has been used to designate a nonspecific positive serology for syphilis in cases of viral pneumonias. The syndrome consists of bronchopulmonary symptoms, roentgen signs of pulmonary inflammation with perihilar infiltration, and a positive serologic reaction for syphilis (Wassermann reaction) in a nonsyphilitic person. The syndrome frequently occurs during an epidemic of bronchopulmonary disease. Probably a peculiatr form of the ornithose virus.
- G. Fanconi:
Die pseudoluetische, subakute hilifugale Bronchopneumonie des heruntergekommenen Kindes.
Schweizerische medizinische Wochenschrift, Basel, 1936, 66: 821-826. - R. M. Hegglin:
Das Wassermann-positive Lungeninfiltrat.
Helvetica paediatrica acta, Basel, 1940-1941, 7: 497-527.