Esmarch's haemostasis
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Also known as Esmarch's bandage for surgical haemostasis, Esmarchs Blutleere (German). A procedure for obtaining a preoperative condition of bloodlessness using the Esmarch bandage. Before surgery is begun, the bandage is applied tightly to the limb, commencing at the distal end and reaching above the site of the operation, where a rubber tourniquet is firmly applied. The bandage is then removed, rendering the surgical area virtually bloodless.
- J. F. A. von Esmarch:
Über künstliche Blutleere bei Operationen.
(Volkmann’s) Sammlung klinisher Vorträge, Leipzig, 1873, 58: 373-384. Chir nr. 19.
Über künstliche Blutleere. Vortrag gehalten in der 1. Sitzung des 3. Chirurgen-Kongresses zu Berlin am 8. April 1874. (Sp. 313-415 + Sp 441-443.)
Der erste Verband auf dem Schlachtfelde. Kiel, Schwerz, 1869.
We thank Rudolf Kleinert, Bad Reichenhall, Germany, for information submitted.
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