- A dictionary of medical eponyms

Pierre Delbet

Born  1861
Died  1957

Related eponyms

French surgeon, born November 15, 1861, La Ferté Gaucher, departement Seine-et-Marne; died 1957.

Biography of Pierre Delbet

Pierre Delbet, the son of a physician, was conferred doctor of medicine in 1889 in Paris, becoming agrégé there in 1892; in 1893 Chirurgien des Hôpitaux and 1909 professor of clinical surgery at the Academy of Clinical Surgery in Paris. He was co-publisher of the Traité de chirurgie clinique et opératoire as well as the Nouveau traité de chirurgie. He was a member of the Académie de Médecine from 1921.

Pierre Delbet, a surgeon, is also remembered for his views on magnesium as a miracle mineral. In 1915 he was looking for a solution to cleanse wounds of soldiers, because he found that traditionally used antiseptics actually damaged tissues and encouraged infections instead of preventing them. In all his tests magnesium chloride solution was by far the best. On September 6 that year, with Dr. Karalanopoulo, he submitted to the French Academy of Science the paper Cytophylaxis, advocating that magnesium increases the efficiency of the white blood cells.

We thank René Dreuille for information submitted.


  • Recherches expérimentales sur le lavage du péritoine. Paris, 1889.
  • Du traitement des anévrysmes externes. Paris, 1889.
  • Des suppurations pelviennes chez la femme. Paris, 1891.
  • Clinique chirurgicale.
    With Ulysse Trélat (1828-1890). 2 volumes, Paris, 1891.
  • De l’action des antiseptiques sur le péritoine.
    With De Grandmaison and Bressot; Paris, 1891.
  • Précis d’anatomie topographique.
    With Nicolaus Ruedinger (1832-1896). Paris, 1893.
  • Leçons de clinique chirurgicales faites à l'Hôtel-Dieu-Dieu. Paris, 1899.
  • Asepsie opératoire. With L. Bigeard. Paris, 1901.
  • Chirurgie artérielle et veineuse. Paris, 1906.
  • Affections chirurgicales des artères.
    With P. Moquot. Nouveau traité de médecine, Paris, 1911, volume 10.
  • Névralgies du trijumeau. With Maurice Chevassu (1877-1957). Paris, 1911.
  • Pathogénie des hémarthroses du genou. With Cartier. Paris, 1912.
  • La science et la réalité. Paris, 1913.
  • Varices du membre inférieur. With P. Moquot; Paris, 1913.
  • L’emprise allemande. Paris, 1915.
  • Méthode du traitement des fractures. Paris, 1916.
  • Maladies de l’anus et du rectum.
    With Bréchot. Nouveau traité de médecine, Paris, 1916.
  • Biologie de la plaie de guerre. With Noël Fiessinger (1881-1946). Paris, 1918.
  • Technique de la prostatectomie hypogastrique. Paris, 1920.
  • Les cancers du sein. With Mendaro. Paris, 1927.
  • Les grandes processus morbides.
    With Noël Fiessinger, Anselme Schwartz (1872–), P. Mathieu.
    3rd edition, Paris, 1928.
  • P. Mocquot:
    [Pierre Delbet (1861-1957).] Article in French.
    Bulletin de l'Association française pour l'étude du cancer, Paris, April-June 1958, 45 (2): 129-133.
  • J. Patel:
    [Pierre DELBET (1861-1957).] Article in French.
    Mémoires de l'Académie de chirurgie, Paris, January 10-24, 1962, 88, supplement 133-152.

What is an eponym?

An eponym is a word derived from the name of a person, whether real or fictional. A medical eponym is thus any word related to medicine, whose name is derived from a person.

What is Whonamedit?

Whonamedit.com is a biographical dictionary of medical eponyms. It is our ambition to present a complete survey of all medical phenomena named for a person, with a biography of that person.


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