- A dictionary of medical eponyms

Gustav Hauser

Born  1856
Died  1935

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German pathologist and bacteriologist, born July 13, 1856, Nördlingen im Ries; died 1935.

Biography of Gustav Hauser

Gustav Hauser studied in Erlangen and Munich, and obtained his Ph.D. in Erlangen in 1878. Even before his medical licentiation (Approbation) in 1881, the year he also obtained his medical doctorate, he was 2nd assistant in the Erlangen women’s clinic under Paul Zweifel (1848-1927).

In 1881 he became assistant physician in the pathological institute under Friedrich Albert von Zenker (1825-1898), received further education under Julius Friedrich Cohnheim (1839-1884) and Carl Weigert (1845-1904) in Leipzig, and also in Vienna. In 1883 he was habilitated for pathological anatomy and bacteriology and held the position as an assistant in Erlangen until 1991.

Hauser became ausserordentlicher professor in 1894 and, when Zenker retired the following year, he was appointed ordinarius and director of the pathological institute.

His first work concerned zoological studies. Later he concentrated his efforts mainly in the field of chronic stomach ulcer, the histogenesis of carcinoma of the stomach and intestines, inflammation and tuberculosis, and studies of corruption (Proteus vulgaris), as well as forensic medicine and the history of medicine. He devised a freezing procedure and a method of conserving preparations in gelatine, and bacterial cultures.

In his later years, Hauser again took up the study of entomology in his leisure time.


  • Das chronische Magengeschwür. Leipzig, 1883.
  • Über Fäulnisbakterien und deren Beziehungen zur Septikämie. Leipzig, 1885.
  • Das Zylinderepithelkarzinom des Magens und des Dickdarms. Jena, 1890.
  • Die Geschichte des Lehrstuhles für pathologische Anatomie und das neue pathologische Institut in Erlangen. Jena, 1907.
  • Die Zenkersche Sekstionstechnik. Jena, 1913.
  • Die peptischen Schädigungen des Magens, des Duodenums und der Speiseröhre und das peptische postoperative Jejunalgeschwür.
    In: Handbuch der pathologischen Anatomie, volume 4, 1. Berlin, 1926.

What is an eponym?

An eponym is a word derived from the name of a person, whether real or fictional. A medical eponym is thus any word related to medicine, whose name is derived from a person.

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Whonamedit.com is a biographical dictionary of medical eponyms. It is our ambition to present a complete survey of all medical phenomena named for a person, with a biography of that person.


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