- A dictionary of medical eponyms

Eugen Hahn

Born  1841-04-07
Died  1902-11-01

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    German surgeon, born April 7, 1841, Ortelsburg, East Prussia; died November 1, 1902, Berlin.

    Biography of Eugen Hahn

    Eugen Hahn studied medicine at the Albertus-Universität in Königsberg and the Schlesische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität. He was a member of the  Corps Baltia in Königsberg and the Corps Silesia Breslau. He passed the state examination in 1866 and was conferred doctor of medicine in Berlin the same year.

    Hahn was active in the war against Austria in 1866 and in 1870 against France. He later worked in the Bethanien and was assistant physician to Robert Ferdinand Wilms (1824-1880) and head of the surgical station of the Berlin policlinic.

    In 1880 he succeeded Max Schede (1844-1902) as head of the surgical department of the Friedrichshain hospital in Berlin. He remained in this position for the rest of his life. With surgeons from other hospitals in Berlin he, in 1886, founded the Freie Vereinigung der Chirurgen Berlins, the precursor to the Berliner Chirurgische Gesellschaft. After his activity as a hospital physician, he was active in academic teaching.

    He held the title of professor and was made a Geheimer Sanitäts-Rat (privy medical  counsellor), and in 1899 was president of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Chirurgie. He received the award in gold and the Hausorden der Wendischen Krone and the Roter Adlerorden, 4th class.

    In 1881 Hahn succeeded in the world’s first operative fixation of a floating kidney, so-called nephropexie. In 1884 he invented a new operative technique for defects of the shinbone by implanting a part of the fibula in the shinbone. In 1880 he performed the first surgical removal of cancer in the larynx.


    •  Über Drainage der Bauchhöhle. 1873.

    •  Über Behandlung der beweglichen Niere durch Fixation. 1881.

    •  Über vaginale totale Uterus-Exstirpation. 1882.

    •  Resection des carcinomatösen Pylorus. 1882.

    •  Üeber Kniegelenksresection mit Nagelung. 1882.

    •  Idiopathiser Abscess d. Occipitallappens durch Trepanation entleert. 1882.

    •  Zur Behandlung des Pes Varus. 1883.

    •  Über Lupusbehandlung mit Transplantation. 1883.

    •  Über Knochenechinococcen. 1884.

    •  Eine Methode, Pseudoarthrose der tibia mit grossem Knochendefect zu heilen.

    •  Die operative Bahandlung der beweglichen Niere durch Fixation. 
        Sammlung klinischer Vorträge, Leipzig, Breitkopf & Härtel, 1885, 260.

    •  Über Kehlkopfexstirpation. 1885.

    •  Über Fibroma lipomatosum petrificans.

    •  Über Magencarcinom. 1885.

    •  Über Mesenterialcysten. 1887.

    •  Über die Endresultate der wegen Kehlkopfscarcinom ausgeführten
    . 1887.

    •  Eine Methode, beliebig grosse Stücke aus Kröpfen blutleer zu entfernen. 1887.

    •  Eine Operationsmethode, die Gefahren der Darmresection zu vermeiden.

    •  Über die Behandlung des genu valgum und genu varum. 1889.

    •  Eine neue Methode der Gastrotomie. 1890.

    •  Über operative Behandlung einer Lungencaverne. 1891

    •  Über Gastroenterotomie.

    •  Über einen Fall von fortschreitender Erblindung, durch temporäre Schädel-
       Resection und Punction des Ventrikels mit Erfolg behandelt.

    •  Über Nierenaneurysma. 1894.

    •  Über Magenchirurgie. 1894.

    •  Über Jejunostomie. 1894.

    •  Über Splenectomie bei Milzechinococcus. 1895.

    •  Beitrag zur Chirurgie des Gehirns. 1896.

    •  Über Erfahrungen auf dem Gebiete der Magen- und Darmchirurgie. 1897.

    •  Über Chylothorax. 1899.

    •  Über Pneumatocis cystoides intestinorum hominis. 1899.

    Biographical etc.

    Alfred Neumann:
    •  Nachruf für Eugen Hahn.
        Archiv für Chirurgie, Berlin, May 1903, 68: 1-4.

    Heinz-Peter Schmiedebach, Rolf Winau und Rudolf Häring:
    •  Erste Operationen Berliner Chirurgen 1817–1931.
        Verlag Walter de Gruyter GmbH. 1990.

    J. De La Rosette, M. Hatzinger, M. Sohn, P. Alken und S. Langbein:
    •   Die Nephropexie im Wandel der Zeit. Der Urologe, 2007, 46 (2): 166-169.

    What is an eponym?

    An eponym is a word derived from the name of a person, whether real or fictional. A medical eponym is thus any word related to medicine, whose name is derived from a person.

    What is Whonamedit?

    Whonamedit.com is a biographical dictionary of medical eponyms. It is our ambition to present a complete survey of all medical phenomena named for a person, with a biography of that person.


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    This survey of medical eponyms and the persons behind them is meant as a general interest site only. No information found here must under any circumstances be used for medical purposes, diagnostically, therapeutically or otherwise. If you, or anybody close to you, is affected, or believe to be affected, by any condition mentioned here: see a doctor.