- A dictionary of medical eponyms

Henri Albert Charles Antoine Hartmann

Born  1860
Died  1892

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French surgeon, born June 16, 1860, Paris 17e; died January 1, 1952, Paris 17e.

Biography of Henri Albert Charles Antoine Hartmann

Henri Albert Charles Antoine Hartmann was the son of the chemist Charles Antoine Hartmann and his swiss wife Octavie Marie Anne Koenig. He received his education in Paris, becoming an interne in 1882, doctor of medicine 1887. He was Chirurgien des Hôpitaux from 1892, professeur agrégé from 1895, and in 1909 he assumed the chair of surgery at his alma mater – Hôtel-Dieu – in Paris. He remained in this position until 1930. Hartmann was one of the most distinguished surgeons in France and a Member of the Académie de Médecine. He was married to Lucy Jeanne Cécile Deharme, but had no children.

Hartmann is best remembered for the two-stage colectomy he devised for colonic cancer or diverticulitis.

We thank Patrick Jucker-Kupper, Switzerland, for information submitted.


  • Des cystites douloureuses, leur traitement.
    Paris, 1887. Medical doctoral thesis.
  • Des névralgies vésicales. Paris, 1889.
  • Chirurgie du rectum. With Edouard André Victor Alfred Quénu (1852-1933).
    2 volumes. Paris, 1895 and 1899.
  • Chirurgie de l’éstomac. With Louis-Felix Terrier (1837-1908). Paris, 1899.
  • Chirurgie gastro-intestinal. Paris, 1901. 152 pages.
  • Travaux de chirurgie anatomo-clinique. 7 volumes had appeared by 1903.
  • Organes génito-urinaires de l’homme. Paris, 1904. Translated into German.
  • Gynécologie opératoire. Traité de médecine opératoire et de thérapeutique chirurgicale', sous la direction de Paul Berger.
    Paris, G. Steinheil, 1911. VI + 498 pages.
    [Paul Berger, 1845-1908, was professor of clinical surgery at the Paris faculty]
  • Les plaies de guerre et leurs complications immédiates. Paris, 1918.
  • Chirurgie de l'éstomac et du duodénum. Paris, 1928.
  • Chirurgie du rectum. 1931.
    Summarizing his experience with his operational technique for two-stage colectomy.
  • Raymond Grégoire (1875-1942) and Henri Mondor (1885-1962):
    Des sutures primitives dans les plaies de guerre : rapport de Henri Hartmann.
    Bulletins et mémoires de la Société de chirurgie, 1916, 42: 2802-2803.
  • William Williams Keen (1837-1932):
    Tratado teórico-práctico de Patología y clínica quirúrgicas.
    Barcelona, Salvat y Cía, 1913.
  • Patología Quirúrgica. Barcelona, Toray-Masson, 1977.
  • E. R. Sanderson
    Henri Hartmann and the Hartmann Operation.
    Archives of Surgery, Chicago, 1980, 115, 792-793.
  • T. M. Van Gulik, E. T. Mallonga, C. W. Taat:
    Henri Hartmann, lord of the Hôtel-Dieu.
    The Netherlands Journal of Surgery, 1986, 2: 45-47
  • Françoise Huguet:
    Les professeurs de la Faculté de Médecine de Paris.
    Dictionnaire biographique 1794-1939.
    Paris, Institut National de Recherche Pédagogique-CNRS, 1991: 227-229.
We thank Patrick Jucker-Kupper, Switzerland, for information submitted.

What is an eponym?

An eponym is a word derived from the name of a person, whether real or fictional. A medical eponym is thus any word related to medicine, whose name is derived from a person.

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Whonamedit.com is a biographical dictionary of medical eponyms. It is our ambition to present a complete survey of all medical phenomena named for a person, with a biography of that person.


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