- A dictionary of medical eponyms

Antoine Edouard Jeanselme

Born  1858
Died  1935

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French physician, born June 14, 1858, Paris, died 1935.

Biography of Antoine Edouard Jeanselme

Antoine Edouard Jeanselme studied in Paris, becoming externe des hôpitaux de Paris in 1880, Interne in 1883, and doctor of medicine 1888. In 1896 he became Médecin des hôpitaux, working in the hospitals Hérold, Tenon, Broca, and Saint-Louis. He became professeur agrégé in 1901, and in 1919 assumed the chair of dermatology and syphilology at the Paris faculty.

Jeanselme early devoted his efforts to the study of dermatology, syphilis, and tropical diseases. From 1893 he concerned himself particularly with lepra, and devised as a diagnostical method of this disease the systematic examination of the mucus of the nose. 1898-1900, on the assignment of the ministry of education, Jeanselme did research on lepra in French Indo-China, on which occasion he also gathered a large material on other tropical diseases, particularly beriberi, framboesia, syphilis of the indigenous, and variola. In 1904 and 1905 he made the first clinical and histological studies on the juxta-articular nodes. He also worked on the therapy and prophylaxis of syphilis and tried to replace hospitalisation with ambulatory treatment.

In 1923 he founded the Ligue nationale française contre le péril vénérien. He also contributed a sieres of important works on the history of medicine. He contributed to the establishment of the Pavillon de Malte at the hôpital Saint-Louis in 1918, a result of his special interest in exotic pathology in general, and that of lepra in particular. In 1923 he founded the Ligue nationale française contre le péril vénérien. He also contributed a sieres of important works on the history of medicine. He was president of the Académie de médecine from 1919. At the time of his death he worked on a large book on lepra, which was to be a summing up of his research during more than 35 years.

Among his historical topics were the food rations of Roman citizens, soldiers, and slaves, Byzantine hospitals, arthritis in Byzantz, the diseases history of the dynasty of Heraklius, surgery and assessment of wounds in ancient Germanic, Scandinavian, and Anglo-Saxon practice; the Hippocratic traditon, etc.


  • Étude sur la lèpre dans la péninsule indo-chinoise et le Yusman. Paris, 1900.
  • Cours de dermatologie exotique. Paris, 1904.
  • Le béribéri.In Aide-mémoire Léauté, Paris, 1906.
  • Précis de pathologie exotique. With E. Rist. Paris, 1909.
  • De la protection de l’enfant chez les Romains. Paris, 1917.
  • Les calendriers de régime à l’usage des Byzantines.
    Paris, 1924.
  • La syphilis, son aspect pathologique et social. Paris, 1925.
  • Traité de la syphilis.
    Edited with Albert Sezary (1880-1956), G. Schulmann and A. Lamaire; volume 1, Paris, 1931.
  • Historie de la syphilis.
    Paris, G. Doin, 1931. Forms tome I of Traité de la syphilis.
  • La Lèpre. Paris, G. Doin, 1934.
We thank Fritz-Dieter Söhn, Marburg, Germany, for information submitted.

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An eponym is a word derived from the name of a person, whether real or fictional. A medical eponym is thus any word related to medicine, whose name is derived from a person.

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